Wanted Posters: PICS From The Dark Side

By: Bill Whaley
15 December, 2014

Cheney and Citibank Call the Tune:

the Cops and Congress Dance
Bush.The LeaderDuring the last week or so, we have come to learn, thanks to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Sen. John McCain, Sen. Mark Udall, and others ,who the culprits are and were during the “brutal but ineffective ” Torture Campaign. Among others the report celebrates the lies of former elected officials and current Obama administrators, who constitute the cognoscenti of American politics.

CheneyMeanwhile, folks are beginning to see in the United States, a rolling revolution. What began with resistance to the World Trade Organization and the feisty presence nationwide of insurrectionists from “Food Not Bombs,” spilled over into the Occupy movement, which focused attention on the “inequality of wealth.”

Rumsfeld.Mr. UnknownNow, in reaction to the threat from below,  the white foot soldiers of the Supremacy movement have begun killing unarmed black people nationwide or the “homeless and helpless” in that Southwestern suburban sprawling centrality known as Albuquerque. The thin blue line has sent a message. When guns are outlawed only the cops will have guns.

But the Folks are Marching, dying in, and protesting against the cabal.

John Brennan“Hands up, don’t shoot,” and “I can’t breathe” have become the 21st Century version of Patrick Henry’s “Give me Liberty or give me death.” I guess we know the answer to that rhetorical phrase. “Give me Gitmo or give me the rectal rehydrator.”

(Pictured above: George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and John Brennan, CIA on the right.)

Banker’s Cabal: “Enough is Enough.”

Another U.S. Senator, Elizabeth Warren, has pointed the finger at the Citigroup bank takeover of Congress and the American Economic System and said, “Enough is enough.”

Jacob LewMichael FromanNathan SheetsAccording to news reports,” At least five former Citigroup officials now hold top jobs in Washington, including Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew (upper left) U. S. Trade Representative Michael Froman(center right) and the Treasury’s Nathan Sheets (right), who is awaiting confirmation as undersecretary for Stanley Fischerinternational affairs. Stanley Fischer (left), who served previously as vice chairman at Citigroup, was nominated in February to be the Federal Reserve’s next vice chairman, while Marisa Lago (below) is now Treasury’s Marisa Lagoassistant secretary for international markets and development.

There you have it: the secret government exposed.

We’ll have no more “conspiracy theories” because the reality is darker than Dick Cheney’s heart. “Privatize profits and socialize losses” is their mantra as they destroy the American Dream and a generation of students has been transformed into indentured servants for the 1%.