Celebrating the Life of Peter Mackaness

By: Bill Whaley
17 December, 2014


Press Release
CONTACT: Richard Bellis, Town Manager, rbellis@taosgov.com, (575) 751-2002

Holiday Closure Schedule

All Town facilities with the exception of emergency services will be closed on:

Friday, December 19, 2014 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. to allow Town employees to attend a holiday luncheon;

Wednesday, December 24, 2014 the Taos Public Library will close at 5:00 p.m.;

Thursday, December 25, 2014 Christmas Day;

Friday, December 26, 2014 (in lieu of Columbus Day); and

Thursday, January 1, 2015 New Year’s Day

Best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season.

Below Taos Friction posts a sweet letter from photographer Bill Davis with regard to the passing of his friend, Peter Mackaness. Peter was regarded affectionately in the broader community for his commitment to learning and teaching local history. I first met Peter and Annie years ago when they brought their two kids to the Taos Plaza Theatre. And I remember Peter in the seventies, wearing a pancho, playing the flute, and dancing for hours on the Plaza. He was a significant figure in the culture of the times and lived beyond his youthful era while becoming a member of the greater community.

The wake will be at Rivera Family Mortuaries Funeral Home December 18, 2014 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Dwight Worker posted the photo of Peter at: http://www.forevermissed.com/mackaness.

He was born Dec 3, 1941 in New Orleans, Louisiana and died Dec 10, 2014
Albuquerque, New Mexico.

From William Davis:

To all my friends:

I am sad to report that my good friend–and I am sure a good friend to many of you as well–Peter Mackaness passed away in Albuquerque this past week on the 10th. He had been there for some time in hospice care as he battled several debilitating medical problems. In fact, since I had heard little about him following the big memorial bash at the KTAO center a few years ago, I thought possibly he had already died, quietly without much fanfare. Silly of me to have misjudged my old friend so badly.

Then this summer a mutual friend, Bob Smith–Smitty to many of us–showed up in Taos, got in touch with me, and informed me that indeed Peter was alive, though quite constrained by his medical situation. Nevertheless, Smitty eventually got us connected by telephone and I was able to have a great talk with Peter.

I am happy to say he was in good spirits and though confined to bed and undergoing regular dialysis, he assured me that he was still enjoying life and loving every minute. It was so reassuring to discover that his strong spirit was so unbowed by the vicissitudes of his situation. A month later I received an email from his son Sylvan saying that his father had suffered a major stroke but was fighting to stay connected with all that he loved.

Well, a few days ago I received word from Smitty that Peter had finally ended his fight and was now at Peace. A day later I received an email from Sylvan confirming all this. He said that while his father had struggled for some time to hold on, at the end he had accepted the fact that his time had come and he had died at peace with himself and all those around him.

There will be a funeral for Peter here in Taos at the St. James Episcopal Church on the 19th followed by a final memorial at the KTAO Center later that afternoon.

Peter was a man who lived out of time. He was larger than life and I am sure was recognized as so by others in every age in which he found himself. I am grateful that our paths crossed here in this age and that I had the great pleasure to have shared so many grand adventures with him during our time together. Now my soul is comforted by the knowledge that whatever follows this life, when I arrive Peter will be there telling me to “Get high!” and welcoming me to join in whatever mischief the Great Spirit has in store for us.

Peace and Love. . . and may you stay true to your dreams forever.

Bill Davis