Hooked and Cooked on Wireless

By: Johnny
10 September, 2010

By: Jane Odin


I don’t do wireless, particularly cell phones. Yes, I know the vibe is everywhere – but I don’t invite contamination by carrying around a microwave transmitter. From my perspective, it’s remarkable to see every mother’s son and daughter with a cell phone strapped to their ear, carried in a pocket over their heart or next to the groin in the ON position. Unbelievable! As the European Union is regulating to keep wireless out of schools, in America cell phone use by 10 year olds has grown 80% since ’07. http://www.mobilemag.com/2010/01/21/concern-10-11-year-olds-cell-phone-use-grows-by-80/

I had a DECA home-phone for a while. Somehow I didn’t equate it to a cell phone since the base was plugged into the wall. It was in the ON position at the head of my bed. I had no idea it was lethal and the possible source of reoccurring nausea until reading a German analysis of the DECA system. Immediately threw that expensive hazard in the trash and my nausea went with it. What a relief.

There is no legitimate controversy regarding health effects of cell phones and wireless. So called authorities who say “no hazards” are paid advocates for the telecommunications industry. Dr.GeorgeCarlo points this out in his critique of the ’06 Danish Study of cell phone effects and concludes with the following quote. His entire response can be found at:  http://www.emf-health.com/reports-drcarlo-danishstudy.htm

“Am I calling out some very prestigious groups and openly showing their conspicuous unethical behavior, questionable integrity and disregard for public health? You bet I am. The Danish Cancer Registry, John Boice, Joshua Muscat, Michael Thun, Linda Erdreich, the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, the Journal of the American Medical Association and the American Cancer Society have ties to the

telecommunications industry that compromise their ability to provide meaningful information on this important public health issue. As sad as it is, this is a “follow the money” exercise that is yet another example of public health being compromised by industry subterfuge.”

(Public health is being destroyed by industry subterfuge! The details of this subterfuge including the role of the American Chamber of Commerce in pushing toxins for profit can be found in the brilliant book “Exposed”. )

Dr. Carlo is the Chairman of the Science and Public Policy Institute in Washington, DC. He is a Fellow of the American College of Epidemiology and has been on the medical faculties of George Washington University and State University of NY at Buffalo.

From ’93 – ‘99 Carlo was the Director of the $28 million Wireless Technology Research program funded by the cell phone industry. His alarming findings are the subject of his book:”Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age” and the object of scornful rebuttals and concocted evidence from the telecommunications industry and their minions. He has stood against tremendous power and paid dearly with threats against his life and arson destruction of his home etc.

What did Carlo and the WTR program find in the investigation of non-thermal effects of microwave frequency?  The NY Post ran the front page story with this headline – “Cell phones Cause Cancer” – lots of different kinds of cancer but most particularly brain tumors. This occurs with multiple patterns. The immune system is compromised, gene expression is altered radically, cell proliferation is accelerated, double strand DNA is broken and micronuclei (precursors to cancer) are formed. Perhaps the scariest effect is the destruction of the blood-brain barrier. http://www.emf-health.com/dr-george-carlo.htm#

The above link to a radio interview with Dr.Carlo is a must for every Wi-Fi and cell phone user. Dare to learn the truth! This is a matter for immediate action, particularly if you have children hooked up to microwave frequency. Instead of thinking of cell phones as social networking tools – think of them as Charon’s negotiator.

There are methods for mitigating and neutralizing electromagnetic fields. I have been using Total Shield for years and have experienced a noticeable before/after difference. “For EMF protection, the Total Shield produces a 7.83 Hz field (the Earth’s natural field, also called the Schumann Resonance), which blankets a 20,000-square-foot area and overcomes negative EMF fields. It protects you from all electrical and electronic devices, including computers, TVs, microwaves, even power lines outside your house.” Read about it at http://www.cutcat.com/item/Total_Shield/570

Gerald Goldberg, MD suggests supplements to strengthen the immune system against microwave frequency in his book “Radiation Hazard”. He considers SOD a must along with Catalase, Glutathione, Melatonin, Zinc  and CoQ10. Other supplements  supporting body parts most susceptible to MW frequency (brain, spinal cord, eyes, inner ear and cartilage) are: Gingko Bilboa, Bilberry extract, DHA and Lycopene.