GSM Is Coming to Town

By: Johnny
16 September, 2010

By: Jane Odin

AT&T is converting the Taos area to GSM (Global System Mobile) technology so folks can have better Iphone and Blackberry coverage. Where will the cell-tower masts be located?  In your backyard?  In the center of town? Does anybody care? Is someone out there with a functioning brain? I’m beginning to wonder and so will you if your hair begins to fall out or you develop reoccurring nausea or have difficulty concentrating. So when your Blackberry and Iphone work without interference, have fun – because your brain has a new master: GSM.

The European Parliament published a document “The Physiological and Environmental Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation” with much to say about GSM technology.  In opening statements Parliament urges upgrading public awareness of the electromagnetic (EM) nature of living organisms and their hypersensitivity to EM signals.  GSM influences brain-waves and electrochemistry by creating EM fields that affect the orderly functions of all living cells. Safety guidelines protect against thermal heating, but they don’t consider frequency specific interference with endogenous EM activities essential for homeostasis.  “GSM signals are Bioactive.”

Low-level radiation affects in subtle ways. Because the frequency is close to the Schumann Resonance it’s easy to entrain brain-waves into high Beta, producing aggression/stress – or low Alpha with passive states and muddled thinking. “More disturbing is that the low frequencies that characterize the GSM/TETRA pulsing are close to those at which it is known that human mood and behaviour can be influenced in a number of ways (ranging from depression/docility to rage), depending on the kind/ frequency of modulation used, it being actually possible to induce sounds, and even words, intercranially by appropriate modulations of the microwave signal.”

Microwave radiation has a cumulative effect. A little today, a little tomorrow and it all adds up through the years. The Eu Parliament says “shields and earpieces afford no protection against the low frequency pulsed magnetic field from the battery of the phone.” MW frequency speaks our language making it easy for the highly organized wave-lengths to take command of many bio-functions. “People living/working near a GSM Base station (tower) are permanently polluted as involuntary subjects in a mass experiment.”

Barrie Trower (British Secret Service Microwave Weapons Specialist) is horrified by lack of veracity from tele-industry and scientists in the know. He says there is no safe level of MW frequency for children. In fact children act as antenna for the frequency. Makes sense – the blood brain barrier is not yet formed, they have low functioning immune systems, the skull is not fully developed, cells are much smaller and they are 80% water. Water attracts the frequency.

Not only has Congress failed to investigate rampant, excessive use of lethal RF/microwave frequency – Clinton signed the Telecommunications Act of 1996 section 704 entitled “Protections Afforded the Telecommunications Provider in the Facilities Siting Context” which prohibits state or local governments from stopping the siting of pulsing cell-towers across the land. It reads as follows.

“No state or local government entity may regulate the placement, construction or modification of personal wireless service facilities on the basis of environmental effects of radio frequency emissions….” Once again the government acts against state’s rights and protects industry. Isn’t that the definition of Fascism? Oh well, we know who’s in charge and no one seems to care.

I find myself   recalling “The Monkeywrench Gang” and wondering what Ed Abby, Dave Foreman and the Earth First folks would suggest.  Meanwhile I guess we should all be happy AT&T, Version and Sprint haven’t put up cell-towers in the Plaza – because they can. According to Section 704 they can put one anywhere they choose including hospital roofs and school playyards.