The Mayor V. The Great White Shark

By: Johnny
25 August, 2010

Allen [Town Attorney]:

I have a case pending in Taos Municipal Court relating to an incident at Darren Cordova’s town home on the night of July 4, 2010. The charge is “criminal trespass.”

A local attorney advised me that I could automatically have a court appointed attorney if I received Social Security retirement payments. In due course I presented my Social Security documents, and was approved to have Justin Lea represent me. I then picked up the supporting documents from the Municipal Court, was given Mr Lea’s contact information, and told that he had been informed that he would be representing me.

Several days later, before I had spoken with Mr. Lea, I received a call from the Municipal Court, informing me that a mistake had been made, and I was not automatically qualified based on my status with Social Security. I was told that I could qualify if I was indigent, and file the appropriate papers. I declined.

Yesterday I went to the Municipal Court to let them know that I was ready to proceed without an attorney: A trial date was set for Sept. 23.

It has now come to my attention that a town employee was directed to inquire as to the circumstances of my receiving a court appointed attorney. As you may know, the Darren Cordova who serves as mayor of Taos is the same Darren Cordova whose town home I’ve been charged with violating. I find it odd that an apparent court practice of providing an attorney for senior citizens has suddenly been withdrawn. I’m also wondering about expost-facto laws that should protect me from changes in the laws and practices that occur after one has benefited from the old practices; that is, I feel that I’m still entitled to a court appointed attorney for this case.

I would like to know all actions by town employees related to this case. Is it customary for town employees to become involved in non-government related court cases, to pressure the court to alter their practices? I assume it is your job to oversee all town departments, including the Municipal Court, when possible irregularities are suspected. What the heck is going on here?

I look forward to a timely response as I need to prepare for my trial.

Yours truly,
Jeff Northrup